Grading results Fushin Ryu Karate
21 December 2019 at Brownsbay Dojo

Student name Passed Next grade Technical P/F M/F
Eshana Choudhary  Yes  11th kyu  A-  A- 
Meifen Wu (Chen)  Yes  11th kyu  B+  B+ 
Mila McElwee  Yes  11th kyu 
Oliver Hoevelt  Yes  11th kyu  B- 
Raelene Li  Yes  11th kyu  B+  A-  A- 
Richie Wang  Yes  11th kyu  B+  B- 
Yina Zheng  Yes  11th kyu  B+  B+ 
Adele Liu  Yes  10th kyu  B+  A- 
Eloise Dong  Yes  10th kyu  B+  B+  B+ 
Leo Liu  Yes  10th kyu  A- 
Lucy Chen  Yes  10th kyu  A-  A- 
Renee Wang  Yes  10th kyu  B+  A-  A- 
Ryan Deng  Yes  10th kyu  A-  A- 
Sherry Gu  Yes  10th kyu  B+  A-  A- 
Yi-Tsung Lo  Yes  10th kyu  B+  A-  B+ 
Charlie Jiang  Yes  9th kyu  B+  A-  A- 
Kenneth Shek  Yes  9th kyu  B+  B+ 
Maya Hoevelt  Yes  9th kyu  B+  B+ 
Michael Corlet  Yes  9th kyu  B+ 
Paige Dong  Yes  9th kyu  B+  A-  B+ 
Wallace Tan  Yes  9th kyu  A-  A- 
Bowen Yu  Yes  8th kyu  B+  A- 
Carter Baxendale  Yes  8th kyu  B+  B+  B+ 
Kennice Shek  Yes  8th kyu  B+  A- 
Kenrich Shek  Yes  8th kyu  B+  A-  A- 
Xander Murray  Yes  8th kyu  B+ 
Harrison Jones  Yes  7th kyu  B- 
John Yu  Yes  7th kyu 
Logan Turner  Yes  7th kyu  B+  B+ 
Pedro Herrera  Yes  6th kyu  B+  B+ 
Emil Wagner  Yes  5th kyu  A- 
Sophie Drury  Yes  5th kyu  B+  A- 
Chris Westcott  Yes  4th kyu  B- 

Important note:

Technical = Stances, Foot placement, hand movements
P/F = Physical Focus, Fast, relaxed movement with kime on the end of the technique
M/F = Mental Focus - Looking to the front with intention

C- = 60%
C = 65%
C+ = 70%

B- = 75%
B = 80%
B+ = 85%

A- = 90%
A = 95%
A+ = 100%

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