
Whenever we are looking to start a new activity or purchase goods it is inevitable that we look at the costs and proximity to home but we believe that these should not be the only factors in your decision. Quality of teaching should be at the top of the list, quality of venue should also be taken into consideration. Paying less can be very costly if the level of tuition is low, not only money but a lot of time can be lost. Likewise, just because the cost is high does not necessarily mean the standard is higher. We recommend that you watch some classes, see what the beginners are being taught and watch the higher graded students as this will tell you more than any words can the standard that you can expect to achieve.


Here are the costs associated with joining Fushin Ryu Karate.




"Special" Starter Pack offer

To make things a little easier we have a great starter deal to save some time and money.


Uniform (dogi), mouth guard, hand protectors (one colour)  in your FRK back pack



Uniform (dogi), mouth guard, hand protectors and Shin and instep protectors (one colour) in your FRK back pack



Uniform (dogi), mouth guard, hand protectors, Shin and instep protectors (set of red and blue), FRK tracksuit in your FRK large bag

Saturday Kata and Kumite class

Cost  for  FRK  Students.

$75 for Kata class 10:30 to 12:00 per term

$75 for Kumite class 12:15 to 13:45 for children,  13:30 to 15:00 for Juniors and Adults.

$125 for both Kata and Kumite





Tuition Fees (Inc GST)
Birkdale  (Monday & Wednesday) 

Pay to: Sensei Len / National Bank / 06 0115 0189552 00 / (Bays Karate) - Tuition Fees for these classes are different to below.

Brownsbay dojo

Pay to: Sensei Duane /ANZ Bank / 06-0273-0759231-00 / (FRK LTD.)

When you join you pay a tuition fee to the dojo Sensei. This covers classes appropriate to your grade. Students 16 years and above may also use the Bays Fitness Centre Gym (Browns Bay) unsupervised.

** The monthly AP is the years tuition fees divided equally into 12 payments. Automatic payment is available to students who have already trained in FRK for at least one term.  Please do not give yourself another discount by stopping the ap over the Christmas Holidays as this period has been calculated into the fee already.

Senior students Tuition Fees are higher as they have more classes in the year and the class times are generally longer. Teenage students and full time University Students that train in the senior class will have these "advantages" but with lower fees until they turn 18 years of age and have a Job :-)


Browns Bay Dojo Tuition Fees

 1 Term2 Terms4 Terms

Trained over one year? you may move to Automatic Payment 

Weekly / Monthly

5 - 17 years old (and full time students) $308 $578 $1109 $25.95 / $107.75
Adults $330 $627 $1188.00 $27.85 / $115.50
Kuro Obi (FRK Black Belt) $250 $425 $750 $18.50 / $75
Family Specials1 Term2 Terms4 Terms

Trained over one year? you may move to Automatic Payment 

2 children $588.50 $1067 $2040.50 $45.10 / $184.80
3 children $818.55 $1481.95 $2840.85 $62.60/ $255.75  
1 Adult* + 1 Child $621.50 $1133 $2167 $47.85 / $196.90
1 Adult* + 2 Children $893.45 $1626.40 $3103 $69 / $281.40 
1 Adult* + 3 Children $1160.25 $2100 $4011 $88.75 / $364.35
2 Adults* + 1 Child $897.75 $1627.50 $3113.25 $68.75 / $283.50 
2 Adults* + 2 Children $1176 $2136.75 $4084.50 $90.30 / $371.70 
2 Adults* + 3 Children $1464.75 $2646 $5056.80 $111.85 / $459.90
2 Adults* $643.50 $171.50 $2238.50 $49.50 / $203.50 
FRK NZ Annual Registration Fee

Pay to: FRK NZ / Westpac Bank / 03 1322 0041942 00

Every student is required to register with FRK NZ. This is an annual cost of $50. Family discounts are listed below. FRK NZ is a member of Fushin Ryu Karate International and a member of Karate New Zealand. FRK NZ maintains the website, organises gradings, camps, Tournaments. Trips to Japan and Prizegiving. Seven club tournaments are organised each year, these are free to enter for members. Points are totalled from the year's competitions and winners awarded prizes at the end of the year prizegiving. Top Student, Most Improved and Excellent attendance awards are also given. FRK also organises bigger tournaments such as the Sugihara Cup and offers training for Tournament officials.

Studentsx 1x 2x 3x 4x 5
Join in Term One (1st Feb) $50 $90 $120 $140 $150
Join in Term Two $40 $70 $95 $120 $125
Join in Term Three $30 $50 $70 $90 $100
Join in Term Four $20 $30 $40 $50 $60
Pay for Term 4 and the following Year $60 $105 $140 $165 $180
Uniform (Dogi)

The Karate Uniform is called a Dogi.

Do = Training, Gi = Clothes

A karate uniform is not required straight away, we believe it should be earned. We recommend that students can earn the right to wear a dogi (if not doing so already) by taking on some responsibilities around the home. For example keeping their room clean without being asked.  Bank Account details for dogi and gloves purchase: Westpac bank/ 03-1322-0034224-00/BFC LTD.

There are different types of uniforms, cotton, poly cotton, ribbed cotton and canvas to name but a few. Fushin Ryu karate students wear a white dogi. You are able to purchase an Arawaza brand dogi from your Instructor. The standard uniform comes with a white belt and is embroidered with the Fushin Ryu logo. They are designed to fit well with no need for alterations. If you already have a dogi you can purchase a logo for $20 or have one embroidered directly on for $15.

Ideally after their first term of training students will purchase a mouth guard and hand protectors in preparation for partner work.

A uniform that is ill fitting can take the students attention away from learning and time is lost on constantly adjusting their dogi.

LengthPoly cotton
100 cm


110 cm  $69
120 cm  $71
130 cm  $73
140 cm  $75
150 cm  $77
160 cm  $79
170 cm  $81
180 cm  $83
190 cm


What else will I need?

The basis of Karate is Self defence. Once a student has an understanding of the basic movements an element of partner work will be involved. At this point safety equipment will need to be purchased.

The basic equipment needed for the class will be a fitted mouthguard and karate gloves. Shinguard and instep protectors are also recommended. Karate training is designed to make the practitioner stronger in both mind and body, that being said, while making your body stronger it helps to be able to make it to work or school the next day. Protective equipment will assist with this.

 KNZ ArawazaWKF TokaidoWKF Arawaza
Karate Gloves (Red/Blue) $30 $45  
Shinguard & Instep Protectors (Red/Blue) $65 $75  
Female Chest Protectors - set $50 $95 WKF arawaza   
Body Protector  XS S M L XL $65 $135 WKF arawaza  

Instep Protectors only (Red/Blue)

Mouthguard $9    
Groinguard $25    

As Fushin Ryu Karate Students progress through the grades weapon training will begin. Jo and Bo will be required from around blue and purple belt level and Sai will be required from around purple and brown belt level.

JoBoSaiFoam Nuncahku
$15-$28 $20-$38 $45 $12
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