Please take time to read them, it will help the lesson and your training go more smoothly.
some words are direct translations, many words have a much deeper meaning than the literal meaning given here and may convey ideas and themes. You will learn these as you continue your training.
Alphabet | Pronunciation |
A |
as in Father and Spa |
I |
as in Piece and Machine |
U |
as in You |
E |
as in Egg and Hen |
O |
as in Cot and Don't |
Used beginning and end of lesson
Phrase | Meanings |
Shomen ni Rei |
Bow to the front |
Dojokun |
Dojo etiquette |
Senpai no sensei gata ni rei |
Bow to the Sensei's Sensei |
Sensei ni rei |
Bow to the Sensei |
Otagai ni rei |
Bow to each other |
Used during lessons
Phrase | Meanings |
Sonoba Uke |
On the spot blocking |
Kamaete |
Ready position |
Jodan uke ni ippon totte |
Left upper block out |
Sonoba zuki |
On the spot punching |
Hajime |
Begin |
Hidari ni ippon totte |
Left hand out |
Sonoba geri |
On the spot kicking |
Sonoba uchi |
On the spot striking |
Idoshiki(or Ido) |
Line kata (technique in movement) |
Yoi |
Ready (heiko dachi) |
Hidari kamaete |
Left ready position |
Ippon totte |
Hand out |
Gyaku zuki |
Reverse punch |
Kette jun zuki |
Kick & lunge punch |
Kette gyaku zuki |
Kick & reverse punch |
Kette san dan zuki |
Kick & 3-level punch |
Yame |
Stop |
Kata |
Forms |
Yakusoku Kumite |
Pre-arranged sparring |
Jiyu Kumite |
Free sparring |
Phrase | Meanings |
Ouss |
Greeting |
Kokyu |
Breath |
Hai |
Yes |
Kyu |
Colour Belt Grade |
Iie |
No |
Dan |
Black Belt Grade |
Kaisan |
Finish |
Ki |
Spirit |
Mokuso |
Meditation |
Kiai |
Guttural Yell |
Rei |
Bow |
Kime |
focus |
Number | Phrase |
1 |
Ichi |
2 |
Ni |
3 |
San |
4 |
Shi (Yon) |
5 |
Go |
6 |
Roku |
7 |
Shichi (Nana) |
8 |
Hachi |
9 |
Ku (Kyu) |
10 |
Jyu |
11 |
Ju ichi |
12 |
Ju ni |
13 |
Ju san |
14 |
Ju shi |
15 |
Jug o |
20 |
Ni ju |
30 |
San ju |
40 |
Yon ju |
50 |
Go ju |
100 |
Hyaku |