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2007 NZ Open
POSTED ON 25 April 2007

Although this was a smaller team that had competed at the NZ Open in Auckland it was a great effort for students to make the trip to Christchurch.

A mixed bag of results on the Saturday with the 14years and above competing with a standout performance by Brendon Running winning the Senior Mens Open Kumite division with his first victory (in over 10 matches) against favourite Travis Butler also from North Harbour! We hope this this friendly rivalry will spur them both on to great things in the future!

Although not Chris Rahardjas' best medal tally the lessons learnt from this tournament will serve him well for the future. We look forward to the rematches at the Nationals in July.

Avalon winning in her first kumite tournament was a great suprise and we look forward to her further improvement.

The medal Tally for the Saturday were:
6 Gold, 8 Silver, 15 Bronze from 10 competitors

Shamendra Hurbuns, Brendon Running, Katrina Hedditch, Chris Rahardja, Tamara Glynn, Sandeep Summon, Rebecca Keighley, Avalon Ogle-Chapman, Michael Lynch, Andrew Leach

Sunday was the 6-13 year olds

Fushin Ryu students had excellent results in the kata divisions but for the coaches the highlights were in the improved performances in the kumite matches with perhaps the biggest improvement coming from Sonya Summon and although she lost the match it was an awesome performance.

The medal Tally for the Sunday were:
11 Gold, 3 Silver, 6 Bronze from 9 competitors

Marina Monk, Shannon Johnston, Kosei Higurashi, Carl Monk, Cameron Stobie, Rheed MacPherson, Alex Fox, Sonya Summon, Luke Bloxom

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